nanDECK - What's new in version 1.14
New FONTCHANGE directive
This directive is useful when you want to temporarily change the fonts used in a script to other fonts (and you haven't used any label); for example when you test a script on a pc without a font. The syntax is:
FONTCHANGE = "old font", "new font"
New LIMIT directive
This directive charges four variables with the last object's coordinates (PT, PB, PL, PR = top, bottom, left, right). For example, if you want to draw a circle below a square, this is the script:
RECTANGLE = 1, 3, 1, 2, 2, #FF0000
ELLIPSE = 1, PL, PB, 2, 2, #0000FF
This is the result:
New CONCAT function
This label function creates a new label concatenating different elements, the syntax is:
[label] = CONCAT(param1, num1, param2, num2...)
For example, with this line:
[label] = CONCAT(#000000, 3, #FFFFFF, 2)
The result is:
[test] = #000000#000000#000000#FFFFFF#FFFFFF
Added parameters to PAGE directive to hide guidelines
If you didn't want to show the guidelines on odd pages, you can use the E parameter, for example:
PAGE = 21, 29.7, PORTRAIT, E
If you didn't want to show the guidelines on even pages, change the last parameter to O.
Added parameter to TEXT directive for outlined text
This parameter draws a text with an outlined font, for example:
FONT = Arial, 48, , #000000
TEXT = 1, "Outline", 0, 0, 100%, 100%, center, center, 0, 100, 0.1
The last parameter is the width of the line utilized to outline the font. This is the result:
Added parameter to FONT directive to disable clipping
Normally, a text is clipped outside its rectangle, if you want to disable the clipping, add a N parameter to the FONT directive.
Added parameter to SAVE directive for creating zip
When you save cards' images, you can add them to a zip file, adding a parameter to the SAVE directive, for example:
SAVE = 1, "example.png", 0, 0, 100%, 100%, , "c:\"
Added parameters to HTMLTEXT/HTMLFILE directives to increase definition
This parameter increases the resolution used for the rendering of HTML files/texts. For example, if you want a x2 rendering:
HTMLFILE = 1, "test.html", 0, 0, 100%, 100%, #FFFFFF, 0, 2
Added parameter to FRAMECLOCK function for rotating frames
The last parameter rotates the whole "clock" created with FRAMECLOCK, for example, this is a rotation of 90°:
[clock] = FRAMECLOCK(0, 0, 6, 9, 1, 1, 12, 90)
Using Frames for Frames' definitions
Now you can define a frame using multiple frames as sources, for example:
[atom] = FRAMEHEX(0, 0, 100%, 100%, 0.75, N)
[elec°] = FRAMECLOCK(<atom*>, 0.5, 0.5, 6, 30)
ELLIPSE = 1, <atom*>, #HHHHHH#HHHHHH@360
ELLIPSE = 1, <elec*>, #HHHHHH#HHHHHH@360
This is the result:
Label definition with conditions and loops
Label definitions can be done conditionally or within a loop. This is the syntax:
[label]%[condition], variable, start, stop, step = [value]
Note: the [condition] must be another label, and the text "variable" can be used both in name and value. For example:
[check1] = [a] = 1
[check2] = [a] <> 1
[color]%[check1] = #FF0000
[color]%[check2] = #0000FF
Another example:
[lab(count)]%,(count), 1, 10 = {(count)^2}
Fixed bug in DUPLEX directive
Fixed bug in FONT directive
Fixed bugs in visual editor