nanDECK - What's new in version 1.14a
New FRAMETRANS function
This function modify a list of frames translating them horizontally and/or vertically. The syntax is:
[new frame] = FRAMETRANS(frame, horizontal offset, vertical offset)
For example:
[box] = FRAMEBOX(1, 1, 4, 4, 1, 1, C)
[left] = FRAMETRANS(box?2, -0.5, 0)
[right] = FRAMETRANS(box?4, 0.5, 0)
RECTANGLE = 1, <box?1>, #000000, EMPTY, 0.1
RECTANGLE = 1, <left*>, #000000, EMPTY, 0.1
RECTANGLE = 1, <box?3>, #000000, EMPTY, 0.1
RECTANGLE = 1, <right*>, #000000, EMPTY, 0.1
This is the result:
New STRINGLABEL function
This function creates a new sequence, taking a string and separating the single chars. For example:
[new] = STRINGLABEL("This is a test")
This is equivalent to:
[new] = "T|h|i|s| |i|s| |a| |t|e|s|t"
You can specify, with the 2nd parameter, the number of chars of each element of the sequence. for example:
[new] = STRINGLABEL("This is a test", 2)
[new] = "Th|is| i|s |a |te|st"
Added flags PN in ICONS directive for proportional images and loading png transparency
The images loaded in ICON directive (and rendered with ICONS directive) can be draw proportionally with the P flag, and loaded with png transparency with N flag. For example:
ICON = 1, A, "Image.png"
ICONS = 1, A, 0, 0, 100%, 100%, 50%, 50%, 0, PN, CENTER, CENTER
Added flags PN in PATTERN directive for proportional images and loading png transparency
The images loaded in PATTERN directive can be draw proportionally with the P flag, and loaded with png transparency with N flag. For example:
PATTERN = 1, "Image.png", 3, 0, 0, 100%, 100%, 30%, 30%, 0, PN, CENTER, CENTER
Added flags BW in FRAMEBOX directive for alternating frames
This is an example:
CARDSIZE = 10, 10
[chess1] = FRAMEBOX(1, 1, 8, 8, 1, 1, C)
[chess2] = FRAMEBOX(1, 1, 8, 8, 1, 1, CW)
[chess3] = FRAMEBOX(1, 1, 8, 8, 1, 1, CB)
RECTANGLE = 1, <chess2*>, #0000FF
RECTANGLE = 1, <chess3*>, #FF0000
RECTANGLE = 1, <chess1*>, #000000, EMPTY, 0.1
This is the result:
Added parameter in PAGE directive for border deletion
If you didn't want the border to be drawn in a range of cards, you can specify in the 6th parameter. For example (no border on cards from 1 to 9):
PAGE = 21, 29.7, LANDSCAPE, HV, #FFFFFF, 1-9
Added parameters in FRAMECLOCK function for zoom, starting and ending angles, spirals
The new syntax of the FRAMECLOCK function is:
[frame] = FRAMECLOCK(x, y, width, height, element width, element height, number of elements, angle of rotation, starting angle, ending angle, spiral factor)
This function, if the spiral factor parameter it is zero (or absent) draws a circle (or an ellipse), with a positive number draws a clockwise spiral, and with a negative number draws a counter-clockwise spiral.
For example:
CARDSIZE = 10, 10
[spi] = FRAMECLOCK(1, 1, 8, 8, 1, 1, 24, 0, 100, 0, 360, 1)
ELLIPSE = 1, <spi*>, #0000FF
FONT = Arial, 20, T, #FFFFFF
TEXT = 1, {°}, <spi*>
This is the result:
Added parameter in AUTOLABEL function for choosing separator
With the 4th parameter in the AUTOLABEL function you can choose the char separator for the elements. For example:
[new] = AUTOLABEL(1, 10, 1, ",")
This is equivalent to:
[new] = "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10"
Added parameter in AUTORANGE function for resetting the counter
If you use a negative parameter in AUTORANGE function, the card counter restarts from zero.
Added % syntax in frame size
For example:
[perc] = FRAMEBOX(0, 0, 100, 100, 10, 10)
RECTANGLE = 1, <perc%>, #000000, EMPTY, 0.1
This is the result:
Fixed bug in ICONS directive
Fixed bug in RECTANGLE directive
Fixed bug in DUPLEX directive
Fixed bug in IF directive
Fixed bug in % operator
Fixed bug in ? operator