by Richard Hamblen

Players can combine their game sets to enhance the size, ferocity and richness of the Magic Realm they are playing in. Players can also add extra components to the game to enrich it, as explained in these guidelines.
1. Combining Games -
1.1 Certain cards and counters in each game set should be marked with an identifying symbol, using a different symbol for each set.
1.11 The TREASURE SETUP CARD, the Dwellings, monsters, natives, square horse counters and campaign/mission/visitor counters should be marked.
1.12 Warning counters, Sound counters, Treasure location counters, LOST CITY and LOST CASTLE counters should be marked only on their colored sides.
1.13 All Spell cards, TREASURES WITHIN TREASURES cards, the LOST KEYS card, Spell Book cards, Artifact cards and Potion cards should be marked on their white sides only. Other cards need not be marked.
1.14 Other cards, counters and tiles need not be marked.
1.2 During initial setup, some cards and counters can be setup anywhere and some must be setup on their own SETUP CARDS.
1.21 All of the tiles are dealt out and the board is constructed normally. The first BORDERLAND that is dealt out is the first tile played; subsequent BORDERLANDS are played like other tiles during the construction of the map.
1.22 All of the 'V' Warning counters are mixed together and one is placed on each VALLEY tile. Similarly, all 'W' counters are mixed and placed on the WOODS tiles, etc. All of the 'V' counters are turned up and the Dwellings/ghosts placed in their tiles; each Dwelling/pair of ghosts must show the same symbol as the 'V' counter in the tile.
1.23 All of the Sound and gold Treasure location counters are mixed together face down and five are placed in each LOST CITY or LOST CASTLE section. The remaining counters and the LOST CITY and LOST CASTLE counters are mixed together face down and one is placed in each tile with six Clearings.
1.24 All type I Spells are mixed together and distributed randomly to the appropriate locations on all the SETUP CARDS. Type II cards are distributed similarly to their locations, etc.
1.25 All small treasures are mixed together and distributed randomly.
1.26 All large treasures are mixed together and are used, with the treasure counters, to fill the TREASURES WITHIN TREASURES section on each card. Then the remaining large treasures and the TREASURES WITHIN TREASURES cards are mixed together and distributed among the SETUP CARDS.
1.27 Monsters, natives and square horse counters are setup on their own cards.
1.28 Weapon, armor and round horse counters are distributed normally.
1.29 Campaign/mission/visitor counters are distributed normally; they do not have to be placed on their own SETUP CARDS.

1.3 When a counter or card is taken from or returned to a SETUP CARD, the symbols determine which SETUP CARD it is taken from or returned
1.31 The symbols on Warning, Sound and Treasure location counters identify the card from which appearing monsters are taken.
1.32 The symbols on Treasure location counters and TREASURES WITHIN TREASURES cards identify the card from which looted treasures are taken. Similarly, the symbols on Spell Books and Artifacts identify the card containing their Spells.
1.33 The symbols on Dwellings identify the card from which natives are taken when they appear at those Dwellings. Similarly, symbols on natives, Treasure location counters and TREASURES WITHIN TREASURES cards identify the card from which appearing campaign/mission/visitor counters are taken.
1.34 The symbols on monsters and natives identify the cards where they are placed when they revive. Similarly, symbols on Potions identify where they are placed after they are used.
1.35 The symbol on a native leader identifies the card where his group's box is located. Similarly, the symbol on a visitor counter indicates where his box is located. Items bought from or sold to a leader or visitor go to or come from his box, regardless of the symbols on the items themselves.
1.4 During play, symbols are ignored in some game functions but not in others.
1.41 A character cannot have duplicate treasure cards activated.
1.42 A character can record the same Spell more than once, as long as each time he records it he learns it from a different Spell card. Each character should note a symbol for each of his starting Spells. Duplicated Spells all count towards the SPELLS victory condition, as long as they can be Cast.
1.43 A mission can be delivered only to a Dwelling with a matching symbol.
1.44 If a character has a certain group for ALLIES, he has all such groups for ALLIES, etc. For example, if Lancers are FRIENDS, all Lancers are FRIENDS; if Bashkars are ENEMIES, all Bashkars are ENEMIES, etc.
1.45 Different groups of natives must be hired and traded with separately, even when they are in the same Clearing. Two groups of Lancers in the same Clearings would have to be hired in separate HIRE phases, for example.
1.46 Conditional FAME can be acquired from any group of the indicated type.
1.5 Any number of weather counters can be mixed together, but only one is picked and used each week.
1.6 Only one MONSTER ROLL is made each day; it applies to all SETUP CARDS.
1.7 Two Swordsmen trying to be CLEVER at the same time roll to see who goes first.

2. Augmenting Games -
2.1 Extra monsters, treasures, etc. can be added to a game without adding all of the other components as well. However, these components should be added in complete sets - if one monster is added then one whole set of monsters should be added, if one treasure is added then one whole set of treasures and Spell cards should be added, etc.
2.11 A set of monsters can be added to a SETUP CARD just by doubling the number of monsters placed in each box. A third set can be added, tripling the number of monsters in each box, etc. Notice that the number of ghosts placed in the DANK V tile is affected similarly - doubled, tripled, etc.
2.12 A set of natives can be added to a SETUP CARD in the same way, doubling, tripling, etc. the number of natives in each box. These natives can be treated in two different ways, as explained below.
2.121 The added natives can be treated as part of the normal group in the box, so that together they comprise one oversized group. The codes of the added group should be changed so as to not conflict with the normal group's codes; the leader of the added group is changed to the next highest number after the last regular member, and the rest of his group follows suit in order. The entire group has only one leader.
2.122 The natives can be treated as separate groups that are travelling together. The groups should be marked to distinguish them, and the added groups are given their own SETUP CARD where their boxes are located. The groups must be hired and traded with separately.
2.13 A set of treasures and Spell cards can be added, but this requires another SETUP CARD to hold the treasures and Spell cards in the TREASURES WITHIN TREASURES cards, Spell Books and Artifacts. The TREASURES WITHIN TREASURES cards, Spell Book and Artifact cards themselves should be marked to show which card holds their treasures and Spells. The number of treasures in the Treasure location piles and in the natives' and visitors' boxes are doubled, tripled, etc. but the TREASURES WITHIN TREASURES, Spell Books and Artifacts boxes are not increased.
2.14 A set of Sound, Treasure location and LOST CITY and LOST CASTLE counters can be added by doubling the number of such counters placed in each tile, but this requires the addition of a SETUP CARD, a set of monsters to go on it and a set of treasures and Spells for the treasure locations. The counters and cards should be marked to show their card.
2.15 Warning counters can be added, doubling the counters placed, but this also requires a SETUP CARD, a set of Dwellings and a set of monsters (and a set of natives, if you want anyone to appear at the Dwellings), all of which should be coded to the card.
2.16 Items can be added freely to natives' boxes.

2.2 Obviously you can rearrange the setup of counters and cards as you wish, shifting a few monsters or natives here and there, etc. It is particularly interesting to have only one set of visitors in the game, for example, giving them all of the treasures and Spells that would ordinarily be scattered among several sets of visitors. All of the potions would return to them.
2.21 The key point to remember when rearranging the setup is to mark the appropriate cards and counters to show which SETUP CARD they come from and return to (see section 1.1 and following for a list).
2.22 For ease of play, never use more than one MONSTER ROLL per day and one weather counter per week. You're on your own regarding play balance when you start fiddling with the setup.

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