by Richard Hamblen
To play an ENCOUNTER by yourself, use the normal rules for that ENCOUNTER plus the modifications given below. Use optional rules and the special solitaire optional rules given below as you wish.
1. Setting Up the Map: Set up the BORDERLAND first and the CLIFF
adjacent to it. Then shuffle the remaining tiles and stack them in random order
without looking through the stack, and play each tile in turn from the top of
the stack subject to the normal rules except a VALLEY tile cannot be placed
adjacent to a WOODS or VALLEY tile if any other legal placement is possible.
If a tile cannot be played legally place it at the bottom of the stack; if unplayable
tiles are left over at the end pick up the whole board and start over.
2. Warning Counters: Set up the Warning Counters normally but
do not turn up the counters in the VALLEY tiles. These counters will be turned
up and the Dwellings and ghosts will be placed in them during the play of the
game, in the same way that CAMPFIRES are placed in the WOODS tiles.
3. Starting the Game: Pick any roadway that leads off the map
and that also connects to the BORDERLAND and enter along that roadway as your
first activity of the game.
4. Winning: You must fulfill the ENCOUNTER'S victory conditions
within one month to win the game.
Optional Solitaire Rules:
Each rule indicates the earliest ENCOUNTER in which it should be used. These
rules can be used together or separately.
1. Multiple Characters (FIRST ENCOUNTER): Choose any number of characters
that you will use in the game. All of the characters enter along the same roadway,
and all of the characters must fulfill the victory conditions within the time
limit for you to win the game.
1.1 Killed characters reenter along the same roadway the day after they
are killed.
1.2 Special: These characters must Block each other whenever they get
the chance. When one of them ends a phase of his turn in another's Clearing
and either of them is unhidden or has found hidden enemies, they must Block
each other. (Note: Characters who are FOLLOWING - see the FIFTH ENCOUNTER -
cannot Block nor be Blocked.)
2. Hiring Characters (THIRD ENCOUNTER): The characters you are not using
are in the game and you can start using them during play - for a price.
2.1 Before the game stack all of the unused characters in random order,
and each time a new Dwelling is discovered roll one die to see how many characters
from the top of the stack are placed at that Dwelling. After the last Dwelling
has been placed put any remaining characters at the INN. 2.2 Whenever your character
ends his turn at a Dwelling he can hire any or all of the characters there by
subtracting 20 points from his recorded FAME for each character he hires (recording
minus FAME if necessary).
2.21 A hired character remains hired until the game ends or until he
is removed from play.
2.22 A hired character is instantly removed from play when he is killed
or the character who hired him is killed.
2.3 You use hired characters just like normal characters, with certain
2.31 A hired character does not have to fulfill any victory conditions
for you to win the game. He can carry items and record points normally, but
all of his items and points count as if they were carried/recorded by the character
who hired him. These items and points are lost and disposed of normally if the
character is removed from play.
2.32 Hired characters cannot Block or be Blocked by other characters,
and they cannot attack nor be attacked by other characters.
2.33 Hired characters cannot hire other characters.
2.34 Hired characters have no Spells recorded at the start of the game.
They must learn (by reading runes) any Spells they record and use.